Disc FX

Protruding or prolapsed discs can put pressure onto the spinal mellus or nerve roots within the backbone. This may cause deep-rooted back pain. After exhausting all conservative treatment techniques (bodily therapy and pain therapy), the Disc-FX technique is a minimally invasive nucleoplasty for treating this discogenic pain, i.e. ache because of the disc.

The Disc-FX approach is a percutaneous endoscopic nucleoplasty, which means the surgical treatment is finished without surgical incision. Simply a surgical cannula is inserted through the skin into the surgical site at the disc. The procedure is achieved with an immediate endoscopic view using a small digicam within the surgical cannula.

The location of the needle is monitored via x-ray. Following the system, the surgical site may be closed with a plaster (no sutures). The endoscopic Disc-FX technique continues scarring close to the spine to a minimal.

Preventing scarring is one of the primary advantages of endoscopic spinal surgery. Scarring after open surgeries of the spine can result in long-term irritation of nerves and nervous function defects in this area of the body full of nerves and pain sensors.

The scar-free endoscopy prevents this irritation of pain sensors. So compared to open micro-surgeries, the endoscopic spine procedure can be considered gentle.

In any case your back specialist must examine all concurrent circumstances of your back pain in detail through medical and imaging procedures before performing the Disc-FX procedure.

Specific features of the Disc-FX method

1. Disc-FX affords a new improvement inside the region of minimally invasive spine surgeries. With a working length of most effective 2 mm, Disc-FX provides the choice to take away disc tissue inside and outside the spinal canal (greater- and intraspinal), and to attain therapeutic stabilization of the annulus.

2. The Disc-FX approach combines 2 minimally invasive disc and backbone procedures: A thermal procedure to reduce the extent via evaporating disc tissue (ablation). removal of protruding or prolapsed disc tissues the use of surgical micro-forceps (nucleotomy).

Advantages of disc endoscopy:

Performing the Disc-FX disc surgery

Disc-FX is performed assisted by endoscopy. So the spine specialist operates with a direct view of the disc as the cause for the pain.

What exactly happens during the endoscopic disc surgery using the Disc-FX technique?

Small parts of the gelatinous disc core (nucleus pulposus) are evaporated using high-frequency current.The protruding disc shrinks, restoring its normal shape. The protruding fibrous ring of the diseased disc can withdraw due to the reduction in volume, thus pressure. Pressure the disc puts on the nerve root decreases. Back pain and pain radiating into the leg (sciatic pain) decreases after the procedure and disappears.

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